October 29, 2008

Home Remedies for Oily Skin

• Drink plenty of water at least 8-10 glasses per day.

• Avoid smoking.

• Have a healthy and balanced diet.

• Use baby powder to dab your face as it works better than many other products.

• You can rub oily areas with apple cider vinegar for a neutralizing effect.

• Use of hot water more often as it is a great solvent.

• To avoid oily skin apply fresh smashed tomatoes on your face.

• The first step of having an oil-free skin is to clean your face with gentle face wash to remove excess oil and dirt. Wipe your face with astringent lotion as it is a fat and grease solvent. The astringent should have acetone and should also be alcohol free. Later apply a watery moisturizer to keep your skin smooth. Remove excess moisturizer by dabbing a tissue over it.

• Blend 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal, 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1/2 cup mashed apple into a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your face for 15 minutes, later rinse it.

• You can apply mud packs or clay masks on your face which helps in soaking oil from the skin. This may provide a temporary relief as the long term effects is inconclusive.

• Egg Mask: Blend 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon camphor spirit, 1 tablespoon skim milk powder and a drop of mint essential oil. Before applying the mask, apply odorless castor oil. Apply the mask, keep it for 15 minutes; wash it off with warm water to be rinsed by apple cider vinegar and water / witch hazel solution.

• Grate a cucumber and keep it in the fridge. Apply this grated chilled cucumber on your face for 15 minutes. Use this at least twice a week for a clean and clear face.

• Cucumber can also be used in juice form mixed with lemon juice. Apply this mixture half-an-hour before you take a bath. The proportion would be 1/2 a tsp each of cucumber and lemon juice.

• Get a facial sauna by using herbs such as lemongrass, licorice root and rosebuds. Keep it in simmer, 2 to 4 tablespoons of fresh or dried herbs in 2 quarts of water. Once you see the steam cover your face over it. To entrap the steam, cover your head with a damp towel and be in that position for 15 minutes. Later wash your face with cold water and dab it dry.

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