December 28, 2008

Deal With Depression

Sadness is a part of being human, a natural reaction to painful circumstances. All of us will experience sadness at some point in our lives. Depression, however, is a physical illness with many more symptoms than an unhappy mood.

Deal With Depression

Take time to assess why you are feeling down. In many cases, feeling sad is an expected and appropriate reaction to a situation; however, when these feelings last for an extended period of time or significantly interfere with your ability to function, it might be wise to change your situation.

Ways To Get Rid Of Depression:

Increase Social Support

* Talk to friends or family
* Confide in others

Explore Thoughts, Feelings & Problem Solving

* Write about your situation in a journal
* Allow yourself to experience your feelings.

If you are angry, find a safe way to express it. Cry if you need to do so.

* Replace negative thinking with realistic thinking
* Break large tasks into small ones, set manageable goals

Maintain Health/Exercise

* Maintain healthy nutrition – junk food, caffeine & alcohol can cause mood swings
* Workout in the Activity Center
* Join an intramural team
* Attend yoga classes
* Get enough sleep
* Don’t abuse alcohol/drugs

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